Somewhere in Anjira village
of Jajpur district in India, a newborn baby girl buried alive in a field
was rescued by some villagers.
The baby had been buried
in a field in a hamlet named Shyamsundarpur. Villagers came to her
rescue after a passing schoolgirl raised the alarm, having spotted her feet
moving above the earth. They dug her out and, finding she was still breathing,
passed her over to a community health activist from the Asha group.
The baby was rushed to the Dharmasala Community Health Centre, and later
transported to the Dharmasala government hospital. It is believed she was born
between four and six hours prior to being discovered.
"She is doing fine
and all her parameters are normal," said Fanindra Kumar Panigrahi,
district chief medical officer. "She is a full term baby, weighing around
2.5 kg. Her umbilical cord was intact and body was still covered with vernix
Local police officer
Jyoti Prakash Panda, who confirmed the incident said that the case was
under investigation:
"We are trying to
track the parents of the girl," he said. "Chances are it was a case
of female foeticide and it is clear whoever buried the baby wanted her
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