Zimbabwean Pastor Eaten By Crocodiles While Attempting To Walk On Water

Photo of Jesus walking on water
A Zimbabwean pastor identified as Jonathan Mthethwa of Saint of the Last Days Church located in the White River Mpumalanga region, had tried replicating the Biblical story of Jesus walking on water at a river known as Crocodile River which is inhabited by a large number of the reptiles.

According to The Herald, Mthethwa was said to have gathered his members and took them to the river on the morning of Saturday, May 13, 2017, telling them he had the powers to walk across the river without sinking.

According to the report, immediately Pastor Mthethwa stepped on the water, he was attacked by three crocodiles who dragged him inside and proceeded to eat him alive leaving the watching members in shock.

A member of the church who narrated the incident to The Herald, Deacon Nkosi, said the pastor had boasted of his great faith and that he could perform miracles such as the ones Jesus did.
“The pastor taught us about faith on Sunday last week. He promised he would demonstrate his faith to us today, but he, unfortunately, ended up drowning and getting eaten by 3 large crocodiles in front of us.
We still don’t understand how this happened because he fasted and prayed the whole week.The crocodiles finished him in a couple of minutes. All that was left of him when they finished eating him is a pair of sandals and his underwear floating above the water.”
Pastor Mthethwa was said to have walked into the water and when he was 30 meters inside the river, he attempted to ascend above the water so he can start walking, but the three crocodiles appeared from nowhere and started feasting on him.
